Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Barcelona and Rome: A Week Of Sketches

Using this Hahnemuhle Cappuccino Sketchbook as my sketch journal, I, together with my mom and dad, went to Barcelona and Rome for a week. It was my second time in Barcelona and first time in Rome but my parents are both first-timers in both cities. Since travelling with the elderly gave us enough time for rest, I took the opportunity to record sketches of places we visited.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Burma: Sketching Colonial Buildings and Temples

Burma, or modernly called as Myanmar, is a country I have been fascinated to come to and in December of 2018, I was able to visit 4 major cities and the outskirts of these cities. Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan and Inle Lake. These four places are very unique from each other. Yangon, the colonial capital of Burma boasts with a number of well-maintained and still-in-use colorful colonial buildings. Mandalay, with it's paralleled streets and blocks much like the way New York City's streets and avenues were urban-planned, is a quiet old kingdom and is your gateway to the outskirts that will lead you to Sagain, Innwa and Amarapura. Inle Lake, a very remote tranquil lake city on the highlands of Naungshwe, is paradise and not to forget a local vineyard where you can sip your wine on a hill top over looking the surroundings. Bagan, my favorite of all, is a vast flat lands with droplets of ancient temple all over. One can go around on an electric bike and find your own spot in any of the temples and have your own tranquil time.

Here are some of the works from my sketchbook while travelling in Burma.

The Little Prince Book Collection

My collection of The Little Prince book in different language is not that big yet but I am very proud of what I have collected ever since I...